Backend as a Service: Security and Privacy

Almost all modern applications are composed of presentation layers, services executing business logic, and backing stores where the data resides. Developers could be more productive and agile if they could work more directly with the backing data without having to build specific APIs for every access type, but is quite a challenging problem. An emerging class of solution known as Backend as a Service (BaaS) has tried to address this problem over the last few years, but hasn’t become the norm yet.

After Parse: Where Should MBaaS Go?

Last week I talked about Parse shutting down and how unfortunate that was, but also how outstanding a job they have done providing a transition path for their current users. MongoDB also published a very detailed post on how to migrate a Parse app onto MongoDB Cloud Manager and AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Since that day, the amount of activity on the open source Parse Server has been phenomenal, and many have suggested, as did one commenter on my last post, that this means it’s time for MongoDB and Parse to work even better together.