Problem: I’m at a playground in central park and I need to print something at home. I have a new printer that is online, but hasn’t been setup with Google Cloud Print yet.
Set up an SSH tunnel from my phone, through my desktop to the printer (using iSSH on iPhone). Configure google cloud print from the browser on my phone. Print from chrome. p.s. I was at a playground with my kids, not just to print something.
Update: I’ve written a much more in-depth article on this topic that was published in Dr. Dobb’s Journal on 1/7/2014.
The typical expected path of an engineer goes something like this:
Individual Coder Project Lead Team Lead Manager Director At each step, their expected coding time looks something like
90% (Individual Coder) 80% (Project Lead) 50% (Team Lead) 1% (Manager) 0% (Director) This seems wrong. It is not shocking that engineering management is often found to be out of touch with the tech when they aren’t working on it themselves.
I get a lot of email. I used to think I got a lot of email, but that was before 10gen. Maybe one day I’ll remember writing this and laugh because comparatively today’s load is light. I hope not, because that thought is frankly scary.
There are a number of programs I’ve written to help me deal with email. One of them is less about helping me, and more about letting the people around me know that I don’t have a special desire to ignore them.
Doing a technical phone screen has always been a challenge for me. My preferred in person technical interview, especially for more junior engineers, is to take a relatively simple programming task, and dive deeply into it. The code will be simple enough to commit completely to a whiteboard, or a piece of paper, but I’ll lead the conversation to edge cases, performance, and how to test that code, for example. The coding task is really just the framework within which the interview happens.
MongoNYC 2013 is on Friday, 6/21, and I’m really looking forward to it. This is our 4th conference in New York City, and we’re expecting over a thousand attendees.
I’m delivering two talks one on Data Safety, and another on Full Text Search, which we added in 2.4. I’ll also be presenting the MongoDB Roadmap at the end of the day, during which I’ll both preview the short-term aims of the upcoming 2.
I’m trying a relatively new thing these days: working through huge lists of open MongoDB JIRA tickets using a pencil and a big printout. This turns out to be a better way for me to handle this workload than sitting at a browser and doing it interactively. To explain this, I suppose I have to explain why I’m reading all these JIRA tickets.
I’m reading all these JIRA tickets because I don’t want to lose touch with the needs of MongoDB users, in spite of the ever increasing volume of related articles, blog posts, and yes, JIRA tickets.
Emacs is the only editor I can use effectively at this point. It doesn’t matter if there are better choices (there aren’t ;-), it’s the one I’ve invested all of my muscle memory into. When working on files locally, I use normal emacs, and things are grand. Life, however, dictates that a great deal of my coding is done on remote machines. I had tried a variety of solutions to edit remote files (emacs in a shell, emacs of x, samba, nfs, etc…), none working terribly well for me.
MongoDB 2.5.0 (an unstable dev build) has a new implementation of the “Matcher”. The old Matcher is the bit of code in Mongo that takes a query and decides if a document matches a query expression. It also has to understand indexes so that it can do things like create a subsets of queries suitable for index covering. However, the structure of the Matcher code hasn’t changed significantly in more than four years and until this release, it lacked the ability to be easily extended.
I visited London a few weeks ago to attend and speak at MongoDB London. The event was very successful, and I enjoyed many conversations with attendees and staff during the event. But having the opportunity to spend time with our 10gen London team makes the value of the trips far exceed my contribution to the conference.
Although my time with the team was relatively short since my entire trip to the UK lasted only two days, it provided yet another example of “no substitute for in-person collaboration”.
Monday was a big day for 10gen in New York; we moved into our new offices on West 43rd Street. The last time we moved (about 16 months ago), our then new office seemed quite spacious and impressions were that it would last quite a while. That turned out to be a bit short sighted. By January of this year we were bursting at the seams, with every desk full, expansion space taken, and competition for conference rooms straining everyone’s patience.